Saturday, February 23, 2008

New artists

I have been thinking a lot about the new artist, the one who perhaps hasn't been born yet. I am, like Durer, wondering about the art of the future. I am quite certain it is nothing like the stuff being palmed off as "art" today. This real artist who might be a teenager now, or might be a newborn, who is a genuine artist, is not someone who will even be tempted by today's trends (or tomorrow's either), yet the trends will be there to make his or her life difficult.
This artist of the future is more interested in the life before his eyes, has ideas about things that he wants to make tangible.
This artist that I have in mind doesn't really need an education in art since everything worth knowing is plainly visible in the works of great masters -- all their ideas being visual ideas, they are right there to see. However, with a profusion of junk always around, such an artist probably most likely needs encouragement, needs to hear that what he is doing, does matter.
I realize now that this is the person I want to address.

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