Friday, March 21, 2008

Diane Tessler

I like to compare paintings and put kindred spirits together. A friend of mine who's a curator told me recently that I should assemble my own exhibits. I'll let this be my notice to the world that I'm available to organize exhibits. MOMA, are you listening?
Anyway, here's another realist still life painter. Do not know if she and these other realist painter are aware of each other. Tessler is a Washington, DC, painter. I've known about her painting for years, but this foray into complex still life is new to me (though perhaps not to her -- I had lost track of her for quite a while).
So, this can be another in my imaginary exhibit of contemporary painting. I cannot find a link to Tessler's paintings, but to learn more one can search at the Virginia Art Leaague School.

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